It has been quite a while since I last blogged. A LOT has happened since then. I will try to remember it all so here goes...
Since I was last here, we bought the house we were renting. It is a smaller house but it works for us. And since I hate to clean smaller is better for me! The less I have to do the happier I am.
School has started and both DD and DS are doing very well. They both like their classes in grade 10 and 12. The move to Burlington a year ago was a really good thing for both of them. They have new friends and interests. I really worried about it when we first moved, especially about DS and how he would adjust to grade 11 in a new place. But aside from a few minor glitches he ahas done well. DD...well she just seems to fit in where ever she goes. We have heard about a few past friends and the choices that they have made have been less than stellar, so I am VERY glad for our move away. I would rather not put either kid in a situation in which they may fail. I mean I know they have to try things but why would I set them up for THAT kind of failure when I can control some of what happens.
I started Step dance again at the dance studio. This session there a few more people who joined. My DD is one of them. We are having alot of fun. I really like that class and missed it over the summer. We recruited 2 dance moms, DD and another dancer and last week we got 2 more dance moms to join. We now have a class of about 11 people.

Every September DH goes hunting for Moose. This year, I decided back in March that I would go with him for the trip away from work. He goes way up north to a small town in the Kirkland Lake area. It is an eight hours drive. I thought that would be GREAT knitting time. and the week up there I could get a lot of knitting done too. Well in August, I decided to take the Hunter Safety Education and Firearms Safety course before we left. I FINALLY found a course on a weekend that worked for my schedule. I took it the weekend before we left. I was VERY nervous about taking the courses as I didn't have any experience with anything to do with hunting or firearms, BUT DH had the manuals and had me read them before the class. I found that after I read them I felt alot better about it and wasn't quite so nervous. The class was all about safety and using your common sense. Which I must say is not really prevelant in the worlds population today. After sitting in a community centre for about 20 hours over a 2 day weekend I passed BOTH the Hunting test and the Firearms test. I was sent on my way with the paperwork to get my hunting and firearms license. Now I didn't know if I could ACTUALLY hunt but at the very least I was going to maybe give it a try.

We left the following Saturday on our great hunting/knitting trip. I did knit in the vehicle on the way up. I started and finished the
Calorimetry and decided that I would give it to my niece for Christmas. We arrived around 6ish at the camp, which is in the middle of an old logging area where there is no power, water or any of the amenities that I am used to. Now I have been camping before but this was REALLY roughing it.

After we arrived we went for a drive in the area so DH could show me what it was like. OMG it was beautiful...even the clearcut logging areas were nice and interesting to see. There would be a beautiful treed area right beside a totally clearcut area. The contrast was really pretty to see.

We did alot of driving around the area looking for wildlife. I didn't get as much knitting done as I wanted, but I did end up have a wonderful vacation (1st in 3 years). I sat in the bush waiting for some moose to come by within my range (they didn't). I did alot of thinking and discovered a few things about myself that I didn't know. I am a stronger person than I give myself credit for.
I started the
Blue Jeans Leaf Shawl when I was away, using Berrocco Ultra Fine Alpaca. I also started and finished
Tudora, it is another Christmas gift for someone on my list. I knit it using some Kilcarra Aran Tweed that I received in a swap from Ireland. I sat in the bush and waited for the wildlife to come by and knit it. I dind't get alot of knitting done but I did try. There was just so much to see and things to be done that I didn't get to knit. I would do it again in a heartbeat though.

I saw almost every kind of wildlife that was there to see. I saw a Moose, (we followed him for 2.5km down the road), a black bear, a lynx, beavers, a turtle, grouse, loons, crested morganzers (birds), a mink, a rabbit, lots of ravens and a few other ducks. I had a GREAT time, we ate well and the company of the others in the group was wonderful. I didn't want to come home.
Here is my foot compared to the Moose track. I have a size 7.5 foot.

I left DD and DS at home with a friend. They had a good time to and since the house was still standing when I got back I decided that I could possibly, maybe go again next year. We will have to see...
3 days after I came back to reality was knitting group. We met and had a nice evening. I working on the shawl some more. I am also working on some sock that seem to have taken a back seat to everything else that I am doing. I tried to knit the
Printed Silk Cardigan but after frogging it back 3 times decided to give up on it and make the
Basic Cardigan with a few modifications instead. I decided to put a cable pattern up each side of the button band. I think I will wear this sweater alot more and I am feeling better about it. The other one was really stressing me out.
Work has been busy. There was quite a few things to catch up on after being gone for a week but it has been a good busy. I didn't know how much I needed the break till I was gone. I won't be waiting another 3 years before I take another one!
My poor dog, Tiger, pined for me while I was away. DD told me that he didn't eat for 2 days. She was getting quite worried, so she put peanut butter on his kibble to get him to worked. He looks like he lost a pound or 2, which is a good thing since he gets alot of treats from my customers every day. But we are back into our routine now and he is fine and eating well...oh yea, the customers are happy he is back too!
Well I don't know where September has gone, but now we are into October and things are just flying along.
I have received the Dog Days of Summer Sock Club kit from WoolGirl, It is Fabulous. I hope to start the socks very soon. I also received the Heels and Toes kit from Simply Sock Yarn Company, and the HandMaiden sock kit from Pick Up Sticks. I seem to have alot more socks to knit...too bad I am knitting sweaters and shawls at the moment! I really want to get back to socks. Winter is coming and my feet get VERY cold! I am just going to have to knit faster and more often. I try to knit every morning while DD and DS are getting ready for school. (I have an hour) then I have to get ready for work. It's not alot of time but at the end of the week it adds up.
I have also finished the
Corset Tank Top. I just have to add the buttons down the front. I decided to permanently sew up the front and just have the buttons there for looks.
I received a wonderful gift in the mail from PurpleJenn. She sent me a Pay It Forward gift. OMG it is beautiful. She combed, dyed and spun yarn just for me! She also dyed sock yarn just for me too! There were quite a few other goodies (a tea towel, a coaster) in the package too! It was quite fun to open it and see them all. The sweets dissappeared as soon as I got home, DS has a sweet tooth!

I also finished a pair of 4 x 2 ribbed socks. I tried a new type of toe. I think it was the star toe. I didn't mind how it turned out. They were knit for my part time employee, J. They fit her perfectly and she was thrilled to receive them!. I was happy to knit them for her as I know she appreciates things like that.

Well I think that is about all for now. I will try to post a few more pictures of my completed projects in the next few days.
Happy Knitting and Hunting! (I am trying to combine the two!)